Saturday, December 14, 2013

Muscles for Dancers- Meet Dawn, the author of these articles

These articles are written to raise awareness and to encourage Belly Dancers to care for their bodies. There are many reasons most professional dancers have a work expectancy to about 30 years of age, and overuse injuries seems to top the list. If you learn how to care for and understand the belly dancer's body you will be able to arm yourself with the tools to sustain your passion much longer and dance well into your senior years. 

For the sake of privacy, due to the nature of my chosen dance genre & my spouse's carreer, my personal safety is our priority and I will not be providing my legal last name. If that bothers you please feel free to take it or leave it, I make no apologies for my wellbeing. 

My name is Dawn and I graduated summa cum laude from the prestigious Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health- University of Arizona (U of A) with a BS in Health Sciences. The U of A is known for their medical research, public health programs, and amazing basketball teams! Beardown Wildcats! 

I am currently a Master, Certified Personal Trainer at the Gallery Sports Club and highly regarded as a flexibility expert. I have 12 years of experience in this field, and I train/have trained a large variety of everyday people to high profile and professional athletes. I am certified through the renowned Cooper Institute in Dallas Texas, founded by the the Father of Aerobics- Dr. Cooper:  visit them at .   I have additional certifications from Cooper Inst., as well as, the the Department of Human Kinetics-University of Illinois. Those include Power Training for Elite Athletes, Group Fitness, Exercise Nutrition, and Kickboxing. 

I am also an adjunct instructor at Pima Community College in the Fitness and Wellness Department where I instruct belly dance and other miscellaneous fitness and wellness related courses. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my credentials. Credible science based knowledge goes hand in hand with experience. I do not, in any way shape or form, believe or want to imply that I know it all.  I'd love for you to contact me and share your experiences or knowledge. I hope you enjoy and benefit from these articles!